resignation in lieu of term

We have an employee that has an issue we probably will terminate him over. However, as a courtesy to the employee, we'd like to offer him to resign rather than be terminated. Is there a best approach to telling them this information?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I usually sit down with the person and in general terms tell them what the issue is and the probable outcome. I give them the pros and cons of termination vs voluntary resignation such as negative reference or neutral reference. If the person opts to resign, I have the paperwork ready and get it then. If they don't want to resign I proceed with the disciplinary action process. I do pretty well with getting them to resign when they look at their options.
  • Don't know about your state, but if they resign vs. being fired this could have an impact on their abiltiy to recieve unemployement benefits.
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