Personal comments from customers

Does anyone have a gracious, yet firm one-line type phrase to deflect personal/suggestive comments or questions from customers? I am trying to get staff to feel it's OK to tell our customers that conversations will be limited to business dealings and they all nod their heads saying, "yeah, we'll do that." But they're not. I'm thinking they need a scripted line to help them.
Having said that, we also strive to ensure that our ee's understand that when other customers are in line, waiting to be served, they are to complete each transaction as quickly and politely as possible. If other customers are in line, we ask our ee's to momentarily look past their current customer just long enough to speak to the next customer in line and say something to the effect of, "Sorry you are having to wait in line. I will be with you in just a moment."
This accomplishes two things, it tells the next customer that we will be with you as soon as we can and it politely informs their current customer that I must complete your transaction as quickly as I can in order to take care of the next customer.
Not rocket science, but it works for us...