Discipline and discharge pitfalls

It's 4:24pm on Tuesday, and I was just asked to give a breif training tomorrow afternoon to our yard foremen from our 11 locations on proper discipline and discharge. I'm thinking I'll mostly focus on the need at all times for good documentation of everything...but it should probably be a training that lasts longer than that! I don't even know how much time I'm supposed to fill, so if you could, please just reply with some topics that you think are important to cover in general. We're in retail, but the foremen run the 'yard crew' who drive forklifts, unload materials from vendor's trucks, help customers load materials into their vehicles. How much do you think should be covered in a brief 'overview' of proper discipline and terminations?
Thanks for any help you can provide before noon (PST) on Wednesday!!
Thanks for any help you can provide before noon (PST) on Wednesday!!
I also tell them to step back for a bit, and think before they do anything in the heat of the moment.
Consistent, fair, and document, document, document.
Anne in Ohio
Good luck with your presentation.
And as others said, document, document. A simple note in a day-timer works.
I prefer the poetic version of that: "slow to hire, quick to fire" (if it rhymes or has a tune, my pea-brain can retain it longer)
You know what I mean. I'm not a softy. If you can't do the job, then I'll get someone in here who can.
I get all scared and seriously over-prepare for this, and all for essentially nothing. I have no idea why I was there. They had a speaker in the meeting, and he spoke the whole time...I never said a darn word!
Thank you so much to everyone who replied though, I'll be ready to go if I'm ever needed to speak on the subject again!!
As you say, now you're ready!