Incentives for doing timely Performance Reviews

As we all know, getting managers and supervisors to complete reviews on a timely basis is more painful than pulling teeth. Have any of you found a successful incentive plan for making sure these reviews are done on a timely basis?
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The only incentive that I am aware of is in their own reviews. It comes from the top. If the CEO looks at this issue when doing the manager's review, the manager will see it as an important function and take more care. If your CEO doesn't make it a priority, your managers and supervisors will won't either.
Good luck!
Maybe you can use the anology that reviews are like brushing teeth. If you fail to review (brush), decay will infect your employees and some may end up having to be pulled (terminated). You want your company to look like this. x:D
Good luck.
Doing all the reviews at once makes it easier to track and it allows organizational goals to be communicated more consistently.
Another key is to reduce the negativity associated with evaluations. This negativity is felt both by the employee and the manager. I have tried to move away from "evaluations" that are one sided or just laundry lists of various behaviors. Instead, I have pushed for more open ended discussions not only of what the employee is doing well in, growth areas, but also what kind of training the employee needs (or wants) and what ways the manager can assist the employee succeed.