Please give me your opinion on the ranking of the titles: Supervisor, Coordinator and Specialist. We use all of these at my company and the leadership is now questioning the appropriate ranking of these three titles. Any help will be appreciated.
I guess it would depend upon what business you are in. We are in the finance business and based upon our "ranking" I would have to say just has you have them listed: 1. Supervisor, 2. Coordinator, and 3. Specailist. We have specialist doing specific tasks, a coordinator is similar to a lead position and the Supervisor is over the dept. Having said that, I can see how based upon the specific job duties and responsibilites at any given business each title they could be in any order.
Back to your question. I would say just depends and again wouldn't say that the job titles should be "ranked" as to which was "more important" but would suggest that they be tied more to what the person does. For some reason, I think of a Coordinator as more a clerical position (but could be a very large responsibility of a large project) and a Specialist as more trained and more responsibility, but for a more limited scope. Obviously the supv. must supervise, but depends on who they supv.and how many.
E Wart