Resident Employee Compensation

We have two Dorm Resident Directors for our small college. We give them their private living quarters and 3 free meals per day as well as a $450 stipend through payroll. What is the best way to judge how many hours per week they actually work? We have not considered them full time or eligible for health benefits, but one of them is also now performing some hourly work and may qualify for health insurance depending on hour many hours we attribute to the live in dorm situation. They perform the duties of parents to college students.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Day Dreamer, unless there are state regulations regarding this matter I believe it is up to each employer as to how many hours they consider to be full-time and therefore eligible for the benefit program. I know of some companies in this part of the country that go as low as 20 and as high as 40 hours per week to be considered full-time. What policy does your school use to determine full-time for other positions on campus? I would go with the same as other positions at your school.

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