Mentor subsidy

I'd be interested to know if any of you provide a subsidy to your employees whom you select to be mentors and/or trainers of your new hires. What have you found to be a reasonable amount for the subsidy? Do you have a separate job description for those folks who regularly serve in that role? Any information you could provide about how you set up your mentoring program would be very much appreciated. Thanks.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We don't have a mentoring program, but have considered it. My recommendation would be to bonus the mentor at the end of the year, rather than a regular subsidy, after you have a chance to evaluate their effectiveness, time spent with the protege, type of position the person holds, and subsequent outcome of the relationship. As a ball park figure, probably around 5% of base pay, but that's just a starting point. As far as a job description, I would develop set of overall mentoring program guidelines and expectations drawn up as a separate document, not part of the job description itself, along with a customized portion that is spelled out for each specific mentoring assignment. Keep in mind, this advice comes from someone that has absolutely no direct experience with a mentoring program, so take it for what its worth......
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