English and applications

We have an application from a non-English speaking person. They completed the English application with non-English answers. Are we obligated to accept the application and translate it ourselves or can we require the application to be completed in English only? Because we can't read the answers and therefore not process the application properly, I am inclined to say that we can require the application to be completed in English, but I could be wrong. Please help.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm going out on a limb to say you've received no response because you have entered relatively unchartered areas. IMHO the EEOC would say that it is illegal to not process the application due to national origin discrimination. Your argument would be that it is a bona-fide job requirement to write in English.

    Be ready to be tested whether it really is a bona-fide requirement in court. If I were you I would contact a competent employment attorney.
  • I think it is acceptable to require a prospective employee to complete a job application in English as long as you consistently apply this requirement. You are only being discriminatory if you allow certain applicants to apply in a non-English language, but require other applicants to apply in English only. It would be unreasonable to expect employers to be prepared to translate applications and conduct interviews in any of the world's languages. According to [url]www.ethnologue.com[/url], there are 6,912 languages in the world.
  • Si el empleado debe hablar ingles para hacer su trabajo, entonces me parece obvio que Ud. puede requirir que complete la aplicacion en ingles.

    (If the employee needs to speak English for his job, it seems obvious that you can require that the application be completed in English.)
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