I've had a really, really bad day

So I had to go to one of our satellite offices Saturday afternoon to help a manager get his personal belongings. Found out earlier in the week that the accounting wasn't exactly up to par.
The last person you would suspect of doing such things and no real explanation why. What a waste.
Then, this morning, I get a phone call that one of our employees was killed in an auto accident while on the job. Other vehicle ran the stop sign. Left three kids at home.
I've called our EAP to come on site and visit with that department.
My mom always said it comes in 3's. I can't imagine what else is coming. I hope she's wrong this time.
The last person you would suspect of doing such things and no real explanation why. What a waste.
Then, this morning, I get a phone call that one of our employees was killed in an auto accident while on the job. Other vehicle ran the stop sign. Left three kids at home.
I've called our EAP to come on site and visit with that department.
My mom always said it comes in 3's. I can't imagine what else is coming. I hope she's wrong this time.
You go, girl.
Like the others said though, you're going handle it right whatever it is. Just know that we're here to lend an ear, hand or hug.
We had an EAP at my last company, but it's one of those things that it's hard to get feedback on the services as it is confidential. I used them one time to give some seminars on change management for employees who were going to be laid off. The feedback I received from the employees who attended was not very positive - but, I guess I should have expected that response anyway from employees about to laid off.
I'm curious to hear what type of response you get from the folks that will participate in the departmental meeting with the EAP at your facility and what type of program was selected for the meeting.
Most of us that have any years in management or HR have had days like this (which we survived) but sometimes we won’t know how it’s affecting us because we are so busy taking care of legal items and the emotional well being of other ees and even the ee’s family. Diane, what would you tell any of us to if we were coping with your situation?
I had recommend our EAP many time over the years so I finally went while dealing with my elderly parent issues. Now I can tell ees I have used the program and maybe the ee won’t feel as apprehensive about going themselves.
Best wishes while wearing one of the multiple hats we in HR must don occationally.
I was about to vent about the drama I had to endure this week (and it's only Tuesday).
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of one of your employees. That's never easy to deal with.