Bereavement leave for partner' parents?

If your bereavement policy permits time off due to the death of a life partner, what does your policy say with respect to parents of a life partner? Are they included?
Our policy covers parents-in-law, and I'm faced with a real life situation that causes me to ask.
Our policy covers parents-in-law, and I'm faced with a real life situation that causes me to ask.
What do you have to lose by granting it? How many employees have "parnters"?
It does, however, put you in an interesting position. Because same sex couples can marry here in Massachusetts, many companies have moved back to limiting these types of benefits to married couples. What happens when a (heterosexual) employee asks for the same leave because his boyfriend/ girlfriend's parents died? If you don't allow such leave, the employee can argue reverse-discrimination.
Just another dispatch from the "no good deed department," I suppose.
Do you consider "SO's" to be partners?
How do you determine if it's a partner or a live-in friend, or just a couple month fling?
Just curious.
Live get's complicated doesn't it.
(I don't disagree that you did the right thing. Just wondering.)
E Wart