Do you have a policy that addresses whether or not a non exempt employee is required to take personal leave to interview for another internal job? If so, what is it?
Our exempt employees are only required to use leave for a FULL day. If the person was going to interview internally, they could not count that time as "work time"; however, they would not need to take leave, nor would we dock their pay. It would be the same as if the person left an hour early and I didn't know where s/he was going.
Our employees also do not use leave time (of any kind)to interview internally. We view it as a benefit to the Agency when our employees are able to interview for advanced positions. We are keeping the skill and investing in our business and the growth of our staff.
I imagine it would be a hard sell to convince an ee to put in leave to go acros the hall for an internal interview.
All internal interviews (exempt or non-exempt) here are paid time. We want our employees to want to advance themselves here. I can't imagine the downward spiral of work ethics and moral if we told employees that interviews here were not paid time. Why bother to interview here when they might do better somewhere else?
Do you know why your company has this policy? It seems strange to me.
The thought of requiring an employee to take leave while interviewing for an internal position seems incredibly counter-productive and short-sighted. It's akin to requiring the employee to take leave time while engaged in a performance review - both are evaluations of the employees skills, abilities and promotability. It appears to be punitive to those that desire advancement and growth opportunities.
I imagine it would be a hard sell to convince an ee to put in leave to go acros the hall for an internal interview.
Do you know why your company has this policy? It seems strange to me.