Employee's Right to View Personnel Files

Does anyone have a list of which states allow employee's to view thier personnel files and which states do not?
From another forum I found that the states of Oregon,California, Washington, Massachusetts, Texas, Delaware, New Hampshire, and Utah have laws allowing the employee to view their files.
The states of New Jersey and Maryland do not allow the employees to view their files.
Virginia had a House Bill HB62 to address it but it failed so they also do not have a law to allow employees to view their personnel files.
Does anyone have more to offer. I am trying to compile a list of all the states that do and do not for my use and for anyone else that wishes it.
One nice feature of this law is that it allows the employer or a representative to be present during the EE's access. I think this is nice because then I don't have employees barging into my office and ransacking my files at all hours.