Time off to vote?

I operate in a union mfg. facility in Alabama. At my previous plant this did not come up, but the union here has informed me we "have" to let people off to vote. I don't think there is a law addressing this in Alabama, but I'm not sure and can't find anything on the AL legislative web site.
Al Vreeland
Editor, Alabama Employment Law Letter
Lehr Middlebrooks Price & Vreeland, P.C.
You may be dealing with a past practice with your union. Find out if the employer has let employees off to vote in the past on a consistent basis. If there is no CBA language or past practice, do not get too concerned about what the union says you must do. I have had such statements made to me many times and found them to be incorrect.
Normally, even if states have a law, it says something to the effect that they should have a block of time that allows them to vote. If your hours are such that they don't have this "block of time" you have to give them some time off. However, even in states that thave this law (I think CA does), it doesn't say you have to pay them. (Our TX Plant does, which I think is stupid since they have about 3 hours in which they could vote after work hours. Why pay them and let them off additional time to do this? Just a nice GM.)
E Wart
They did not want pay, just to be excused. We'll look at it closer to the general election but I'm sure not inclined -- if they are that urgent about voting they can vote "dirty."
Thanks everyone.