On the job injury
Sandy Hart
3 Posts
An employee(who was hired 2 weeks ago) calls his supervisor and says he tweaked his back "last night". The supervisor lets him know he needs a Doctors note saying he is able to return to work with no restrictions before he can go back out in the field. The employee was on a day shift the day of this event. A doctors note gets faxed over saying the employee needs to be off for 3 full days and modified duty for 7 days thereafter. The company has no modified work. H.R. calls the employee to let him know there is no modified work and he has the right to file for State Disability. The employee informs H.R. he tweaked his back on the job during the day. What would you do?
we are self Insured and our 3rd Party Administrator would need to be informed with the information so that they can manage the case. The carrier will keep your companyin compliance with the legal proceedings.
Simply reading your thread if he told someone in authority on the date of the injury, it would be a W/C case!
What did the employee tell the doctor? He should have explained to the doctor whether he was hurt at work or at home. The doctor's paperwork will reveal this. Did he fill out an insurance claim and if so, what did he write? Most of them ask if any accident was work related.
Call the carrier and explain the situation. Let them chase out the case.
Also, get a statement of exactly what happened from the employee, find out if any witnesses and interveiw them if so. Talk with supv. and find out what the employee said when he originally called in. Do you tell your employees to notify you immediately when injury/accident occurs? If not, you need to make sure this is covered with all employees. If the employee didn't tell the supv. how it happened, did supv. ask if he hurt at work or at home? (I find that employers are so "scared of brining this up" and you will find out if you ask this immediately, employees will be honest because they aren't expecting it and that will "kill the problem" at the very beginning and you will know how to handle it.
Good luck and work with your w/c carrier. They are the best at this.
E Wart
Anytime we have an employee with a back injury we immediately assign a case nurse or case manager. This way the injury is being closely observed at all times and that treatment is valid and necessary.
I think WC back injuries are the biggest crock (90% of the time anyway) so I recommend staying on this guy like white on rice.
I also recommend that you schedule an IME if he completes any physical therapy and the problem is not "fixed".
I am such a skeptic when it comes to WC injuries.