DOL Appeal -need to vent

This isn't a question, just need to vent. We term'd an employee, she filed for UI and lost. She appealed, requested an in-person hearing. I drag two managers w/me and she never shows!!
Well guess what? I just received another notice for an appeal. It clearly states on the form that "No postponement will be granted except in an extreme emergency".
You know what her "extreme emergency" was? She wrote down the wrong date. While she "apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause, she respectfully requests another appt. to present her case." Can you believe this? I bet you they wouldn't reschedule for me if I conveniently forgot to attend. Good grief. I'm so ticked right now. This is just one of many examples I'm sure showing how dysfunctional our system is. Nobody has consequences for anything.
Thanks for letting me release some steam this morning.
Well guess what? I just received another notice for an appeal. It clearly states on the form that "No postponement will be granted except in an extreme emergency".
You know what her "extreme emergency" was? She wrote down the wrong date. While she "apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause, she respectfully requests another appt. to present her case." Can you believe this? I bet you they wouldn't reschedule for me if I conveniently forgot to attend. Good grief. I'm so ticked right now. This is just one of many examples I'm sure showing how dysfunctional our system is. Nobody has consequences for anything.
Thanks for letting me release some steam this morning.
You have nothing to lose........
Actually, the lady at UI was very polite but couldn't give me any answers. Now I have to appear (again) 6/2. Lucky me.
E Wart
It lasted about 45min and I'm glad it's over. I'll come back when the decision is released.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Received the decision today and the original denial was upheld. The hearing officer stated "the petitioner failed to show good cause to have the hearing reopened". Yeah!!
There is good in the world.
Now I have another one for someone who resigned. Go figure...
Good luck with the new claim. I'm guessing someone who resigned for 75 reasons they never once mentioned...
I recently discovered that if you fire someone for violation of your company attendance policy they can still get UI b/c they can't control the reasons why they miss work if it's for an illness!
Sooooo.... if I have a headache for like two days and call out then show up and then have another headache for like two more days and call out and then come back to work and keep repeating this pattern, I can't get fired for violation of attendance policy. YUP! That's GA for ya!
That one didn't bother me so much b/c I knew she needed the job. At least she had some sort of income, but there are others who work the system.
I also just received notice that another ee we let go was denied benefits. I am usually pretty satisfied with GA DOL. This one just threw me for a loop. I don't understand why we had to go thru the hearing process, just to have the officer state her reason for missing was not justified. Seemed like a waste of time to me. I guess the person answering the phone can't make that decision.
Um, these are GOVERNMENT workers... need I say more?