3 Month Performance Appraisal

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-25-06 AT 01:36PM (CST)[/font][br][br]We conduct a 3 month (introductory) Performance Appraisal for new employees (and ee's that transfer/are promoted into another position). The 3 month PA is the same as our annual one. I would like to make it shorter and/or focused on "learning" the position more than the specific tasks that are being rated. Does anyone do a 3 month PA and if so, would you share your form?


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We do this in a formal review at six months as most of our jobs are quite complex and three months is not enough time. At three months, we look at the employee in a more informal way to see if they are learning or if there are any obvious problems. The sole purpose at three months is to see if they can perform the functions and we want to continue them in the position. We then could add more coaching or shift them to a different location to see if they could thrive there. Our probationary period is six months and if there are problems at three months, the employee is monitored closely as it is better for everyone to let an employee go before six months if they cannot perform.
  • I sent you an email with the forms we use attached. It's one page form, front and back. One side is for a 30 day eval and the other side is for a 75 day eval.
  • Thank you-I received it. It looks like something I could use with a few adjustments. Thanks for the start! Have a good day!
  • Good Morning,
    I would really appreciate you forwarding the attachments you are referring to in the discussion above. I have an employee that has been here 3 months and I need a good tool for discussion on job performance with her.


  • We use the same form for our annual review as we do our 60 day review, and we recently started doing a "mid-year" review on all employees. That one is basically an update on the training an employee has received and it provides an opportunity to review and update (if needed) the goals set at the annual review. It also provides an opportunity to raise an employee's wages if we feel a person is performing well. We essentially took a few questions from the annual for our mid-year. If you would like copies of any of these, please let me know either in a post or via e-mail. Ray's may be all you need.
  • I sent you one I created myself and has worked well for us.
  • We do a three month PA. It's a fairly simply form where supervisors check in a box if they feel their subordinates exceed, meet, needs improvement, or has unsatisfactory performance. Anything that does not meet or exceeds expectations must be justified in the comment area. Upper management reviews each PA before the employees sees it. This gives us the opportunity to correct any problems and make sure that the comments are appropriate and we all agree. I've been enforcing the concept that our PA's are tools used to facilitate two way communication. Built into the process, I also enforce supervisors have documented when they spoke with their subordinates on issues of improvement or behavior that exceeds expectations. This forces them to focus on which behaviors need to be reinforced, but also to keep the supervisors from showing favoritism.
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