Dealing with accident prone employee.
Second post in as many days. Just wanted to see if anyone has had this sit before and how you handled. We have an employee who has had 4 recordable injuries in his first year of employment. All but one have been the result of the employee not paying attention and just being careless. We strongly believe we need to remove this employee from our workplace. Comments and suggestions welcome.
If you do that, consistently, you can fire quite easily repeaters.
My $0.02 worth,
Seriously, isn't this one of the most chronic frustrations for those of us in HR? Supervisors want to shirk their duty to document problem behaviors and performance issues time after time; then, when they've finally reached their limit, they expect to be able to fire someone with no risk of adverse consequences and have us make it magically okay.
Explain to the supervisor that he and the company must now suffer the consequences of his inaction.
My $0.02 worth,
An employee who has had this many accidents in a short time probably knows the system and has worked it they are just praying that you will go ahead and fire them.
Discipline for not following proper safety measures is the only recourse unless you are prepared to go to court.
Instead of waiting for another accident, have him undergo some serious safety training, whether it's a formal course or just the boss showing him what he'd teach a new hire. And make it boring so he'll know you're serious. x}>
James Sokolowski