porn in the workplace
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I just read the article in this week's HR Hero Line about the company getting sued by the employee's wife for allowing him to upload pornographic pictures of her daughter. She says if they had followed their policies and procedures the employee would not have had the opportunity to upload the pictures. Plus, if they had bothered to look at the sites they would have known he was looking at child porn and have had him arrested. She says this would have avoided any harm to her daughter.
First, let me point out that I am outraged by the employee's behavior. I don't have words that are strong enough to tell of my disgust. But that is not why I am posting. I have a question.
How many of you would actually go out and look at the porn sites? If the company followed its policy the employee would have been long gone before he uploaded those pictures. I know that is what we would have done. But I have to admit a list of the porn sites would have been enough for me. I wouldn't have gone out to actually look at them. Perhaps I need to rethink things.
Do you make sure someone actually looks at the sites, or is simply a list of the employee viewing them on company time/property enough?
First, let me point out that I am outraged by the employee's behavior. I don't have words that are strong enough to tell of my disgust. But that is not why I am posting. I have a question.
How many of you would actually go out and look at the porn sites? If the company followed its policy the employee would have been long gone before he uploaded those pictures. I know that is what we would have done. But I have to admit a list of the porn sites would have been enough for me. I wouldn't have gone out to actually look at them. Perhaps I need to rethink things.
Do you make sure someone actually looks at the sites, or is simply a list of the employee viewing them on company time/property enough?
When I first read the description of the case it sounded ludicrous. The more I think about it, its possible she may be able to make her case.
In my view, the point of an internet policy is to protect the company and prohibit misuse of company property and employee time. Protecting kids is a worthy goal but its not why organizations create these kinds of policies. Can you hold them liable for something that is not their responsibility?
Can you imagine being REQUIRED to view this stuff as a part of your job? When does my right to file harrassment charges come into play?