Green Card/Citizenship
431 Posts
Anyone have experience with sponsoring citizenship of foreign national? More to the point, if you do, is it done in-house or out sourced to a law firm that specializes in immigration? I'm pushing to have it outsourced and, as always, there are those in the company who know more than HR who think its a simple little process and the citizenship should be awarded in a month or two! So, cost has caught attention and I'm just checking around to see what other companies do to further validate my recommendation.
It is a very complicated process and it's best to outsource -- unless your company has someone w/ the knowledge and expertise on immigration matters.
Hope this helps.
I have been trying for two months to sponsor a specific person just to come and manage a work site for us. I have finally gotten to the place in the application stage (page 7)to prove that we can not find a U.S. Citizen who is qualified for the position. In our area that is an impossibility, I can find many more than I need.
I can just imagine the trouble to sponsor someone for a U.S. Citizen application. Why does the business wish to sponsor someone for U.S. Citizenship?
E Wart
Al Vreeland
Editor, Alabama Employment Law Letter
Lehr Middlebrooks Price & Vreeland, P.C.