
We had an employee with breast cancer. When it became apparant that she would not be able to work for a long period of time, she went on disability and we replaced her position.
Per our COO she "resigned" as she was not able to perform her duties.
This employee has dealt with this illness for the past 18 months and has been off of our payroll for over a year. She has now received a clean bill of health, and as her previous position had become vacant we just rehired her back to her old position.
This employee had in 9 years prior to her illness.
Employees who voluntarily resign their position and ask to come back have been rehired and treated as a "new" employee with respects to benefits - including vacation, sick leave and insurance.
The department manager would like to have this employee be treated as a "new" employee which would greatly reduce her vacation and sick leave benefits.
This employee was vested in the 401k and is able to resume her status in the 401k per our plan rules.
Does anyone have a policy regarding rehires after a disability or illness?
Per our COO she "resigned" as she was not able to perform her duties.
This employee has dealt with this illness for the past 18 months and has been off of our payroll for over a year. She has now received a clean bill of health, and as her previous position had become vacant we just rehired her back to her old position.
This employee had in 9 years prior to her illness.
Employees who voluntarily resign their position and ask to come back have been rehired and treated as a "new" employee with respects to benefits - including vacation, sick leave and insurance.
The department manager would like to have this employee be treated as a "new" employee which would greatly reduce her vacation and sick leave benefits.
This employee was vested in the 401k and is able to resume her status in the 401k per our plan rules.
Does anyone have a policy regarding rehires after a disability or illness?
Other than that, I like Ray's policy.
E Wart