Investigations in Employee Personnel Files?
I wanted to ask how all of you file investigations dealing with employee discipline issues. For example, I had an employee who was smelled having alcohol on her breath by different employees. We have her coworker statements, however I don't want to put their names in her personnel file in the event she later requests a copy of her file and sees who complained about her. Is she entitled to the investigation notes? What I do is file them separately, yet in her file put the investigation summary without naming any specific employee names.
Your state should have a state DOL website that can help you.
Its a good question because in my experience when you confront an ee with something like this, their first question is often "who did you talk to? Where did you hear this?"
If it is the complainant, I would give them the details of the investigation and the outcome, but I don't know that I would give them a copy.