Employee Evaluations
5,885 Posts
I am scheduled to give training to Management on Friday about what to say and not to say on an employe evaluation/appraisal to avoid lawsuits etc. I went out on the internet to try and find example statements of sample appraisals but after speding hours I could not find any. Can you tell me where I can obtain some do's and don't on Employee Appraisals? This was dropped on me yesterday. Thank you
My philosophy:
1. Make it interactive. Don't let the manager lecture the ee for an hour. Give the ee an opportunity to discuss frustrations, needed training, or obstacles that are keeping them from improving.
2. Focus on what matters. I don't like reviews that cover 35 areas when only 3 matter or need to be discussed.
3. Focus on the employee's strengths as well.
4. Spend more time on the future than the past. Set goals that are specific and measurable.
5. Follow up on goals or objectives.
6. Be honest. Don't tell an ee that they are doing great if they aren't.
Finally, make SURE your managers understand the purpose of these appraisals and have bought in.
Good luck.
2. Stick to the facts.
3. Don't be a wus and avoid conflict because you can't deal with it.
4. Don't lie.
5. Don't say the following, "My you're getting old, shouldn't you retire?"
6. "You do pretty good for a woman."
7. "All your reports are on time, but you act kinda gay. I don't like that." That only applies to some states.
Seriously, there are some Danger Zone training materials you can buy on this site. Never used it. PoRk loves 'em.
James or Brad....wake up.
[b]12 Danger Zones for Supervisors[/b]
Video #2 is for training supervisors on Documentation and Evaluations
[b]HR Hero Guidebooks Series: Performance Evaluations[/b]
[b]HR Hero Audio Conference on CD:
How to Conduct "Win-Win" Performance Evaluations to Boost Morale and Productivity[/b]
[b]2006 Strategic HR Leadership Summit[/b]
(March 23-26 in Las Vegas)
Day 1, Track 1 offers a performance evaluations session
How's them babies?