Employee Privacy of Medical Files

I am trying to find something in writing to give to our directors/supervisors that states they are not to be requesting copies of doctors notes from the employees. I try to stress this is what their medical file is for and unless the employee wants to tell you what the problem is you are not suppose to ask. Is there anything out there that will help me?
ADA is another thing that comes to mind, as does FMLA, where you can only request certification from physicians at certain times. Both of those are pretty lengthy to get into one post.
Doctors notes do have their place, however - don't get me wrong. We require a note when an employee is absent for three consecutive days or more due to illness to make sure they are able to return to work. These notes contain zero health info - Joe was seen at the clinic on X date and may return to work on Y date. So in some cases, it's OK to ask for a note.
Does that help or only confuse you more?