19 Posts
Sorry to keep harping on this subject but I want to make sure I understand. As HR, am I supposed to verify that the employment eligibility provided on the I9 by the applicant/employee is valid? Otherwise, how do you know or do you leave well enough alone?
By the way for all who are interested the SAVE program is alive and well. I have now verified and have the full course of documents on the last 67 person's enrolled into our company.
We have found one more apparant illegal alien with pretty good looking documents, the individual was referred to USCIS for correction of their data bank, but guess what he never showed up to fix the error and we had to call off our enrollment process because he has never returned to our enrollment process either. I have a complete document trail in the file ready to pick-up whenever he returns.
The program and our country needs to get on with getting this system on-board with every employer. If that were the case, foreign nationals would not be able to get a job and a foot hold in the requirements to make a living in our country. After having accomplished 67 total cases, I am further convienced that this program should be the first step in cleaning up our illegal alien mess.
We employers are the key; we should not have to spend one penny in stopping illegals, who are coming to our country illegally for work. The SAVE program is FREE and available for everyone now. If we exercise this program to the 100% level the I-9 process will satisfy the reasons this law was established.