Sick Leave for exempts

Can anyone shed light on the policy of covering exempt employees with paid days off for a sickness if there is no sick leave policy at the workplace.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If your company does not have a sick leave policy and the exempt ee was off the whole day you can deduct from his pay the ee can possibly opt to have vac pay to offset the difference.
  • My interpretation of FLSA is that the employer is not required to pay any portion of the employee's "salary" for full-day absences due to sickness or disability, BUT the exempt employee must be eligible for "compensation" under some kind of plan, policy, or practice. So, if your company offers no form of compensation for sickness or disability in lieu of "salary", then I think you have to pay the exempt. But my holiday brain may already be in effect, and my work brain put to rest.
  • Suggest you to to [url][/url] and click on "Opinion Letters" This site contains dozens if not hundreds of informative letters from the DOL.
    Good luck...
  • Thank you for the info. I had heard that the exempt ee was eligible to be covered for up to 5 days paid for sickness if there was no formal sick leave. I will check out the website.
  • jeanj: I would follow whatever procedure you have hooked up for the non-exempt ee. We do that exactly but it is accomplished manually instead of the computer kicking out the correct answer. It is true that if in place for the non-ee you can deduct from the exempt the full days not worked due to sickness when they could use manuallt adjusted sick time or vacation time to make up the difference.

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