I have a Driver who damaged one our trucks and it will cost over 4,000 to repair. He is good a employee, tested negative on drug/alcohol. Upper management want this employee to be suspended the maximum time allowed. Is there a maximum suspension time? if not what would be reasonable suspension without pay. we don't have a policy stating the time frame of suspensions.
As was previously stated, most of our suspensions are l week or less unless there was blantant, intentional bypassing of safety rules.
If it was the driver's fault I agree a week is fair.
The first thing I would do is get with management and write up a policy. It needs to be signed by management and it needs to be given to all the drivers. It will also need to be enforced.
If there was bad weather and they were not able to stop they were not driving safely. They would be following to closely for conditions. Sorry if you rear end someone it should always be considered an at fault accident.
My $0.02 worth.
The Balloonman