Administration/Staff Ratio
Can anyone provide me with what the "normal" ratio is for the number of adminstrative personnel versus staff? For instance, how many employees work in the accounting and HR areas as compared to service and sales? I am particularly interested in the legal, mortgage and real estate fields. Thanks for your input.
You need to do a thourough needs assesment and dtermine what works best for you. Don't rely on rules-of-thumb.
Don't you hate that one?
Anyway, it very much depends on the type of real estate activity and how much transactional volume is being handled. For instance, a company that is into property management with tenants and strip malls or apartments can have a significantly higher volume than someone who buys farm land, leases it back to a farmer, and holds it until the path of development has come to the doorstep.
Someone developing lots and building tract homes will have different levels of transactions than the other examples.
Toss in the mortgage business and you can really stir up the pot. Are you talking commercial mortgage or residential? Are you stepping in for construction financing of new property or investigating loaning on up and running industrial warehouses.
Those are some of the questions, but from a practical standpoint, is the work getting done? Are personnel sitting around with no stress and getting to work late and going home early? Are you tring to get someone in trouble?