Post accident drug test

Our company has a policy on possession and use of drugs and alcohol, but does not list any certain line of discipline. I need to make a policy on what will be done following a post accident drug screen that came back positive to marij. The owner does not want to fire on the first offense. Any one have any suggestions?? Thanks.


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Mandatory referal to EAP and follow their recommendation related to treatment. Be subject to random drug tests up to 4-6 times a year for the next 3 year with a positive or a refusal to take resulting in immediate termination.

    My $0.02 worth,
    The Balloonman
  • We are a manufacturing company with approximately 200 employees and our policy is the same as Balloonman's.
  • Our policy is that we will rehab once but we send a very clear message that it is serious business and will not be tolerated again. The person must go to a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) and follow the program laid out by the SAP. Aside from this, the employee must sign a "last chance agreement" giving the employer the right to test them at any time for a period of several years. If they test positive, refuse to take a test, or miss meetings or otherwise fail to carry out the rehab plan laid out by the SAP, they are terminated. If they do not want to sign the last chance agreement, they are terminated. All this makes it very plain that behavior must change. We have only had one employee lapse after signing the agreement.
  • Ditto WT's post for policy at our company.
  • Here in the Land of 10,000 Effete, Over-educated, Bleeding Heart Snobs, 200 of which run our state government, zero tolerance drug policies are not allowed. Therefore, we send for treatment after 1st offense; automatic termination at 2nd offense.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-13-05 AT 07:25AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Ditto Larry's comments about this wonderful land of 10,000 "whatevers". Our drug policy is written around the state statute which says you cannot term after the first offense, UNLESS the offender refuses to go for a cd eval, treatment, etc. or fails a 2nd test. Unfortunately, we've had some of those...
  • AnnGee, I would think that this would be "spelled out" in your policy. Send me an email with your email address/fax and I will send you our policy. You have one strike, referred to EAP and must do what they advise.

    E Wart
  • We enroll and have the ee sign a form that says he/she understand that we have a 0 tolerance for drug use and or sale, alcohol falls under the same provisions. Therefore, we terminate with the first failure including pre-employment, post-accident w/injury, and with justifiable reason, cause, or belief that someone is under the influence. This is a safety issue throughout our company and we do not take a chance on a 2nd chance. We will re-hire after the individual accomplishes a rehab program and provides us with documentation of same.

    It works for us! With e-mail address, i will also provide you with a copy of our program. It is the most detailed written policy in our book of policyes.

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