Online recruiting

There was a post on this a while back, but I wonder if things have changed since then considering how fast technology changes.
Do many of you have any luck with e-recruiting? What avenues do you use - job boards like, state DOL job boards, online newspaper classifieds, etc? Do they work any better than print ads in general or perhaps they work better for a certain population of employees? Do you allocate a certain amount of your recruiting budget for online recruiting?
Do many of you have any luck with e-recruiting? What avenues do you use - job boards like, state DOL job boards, online newspaper classifieds, etc? Do they work any better than print ads in general or perhaps they work better for a certain population of employees? Do you allocate a certain amount of your recruiting budget for online recruiting?
When we were looking for an associate web editor last year, we had ads in the paper, the paper's website, and our website. The online applicants tended to be lower quality, probably because it's so easy to apply online.
I was so frustrated by all the weak applicants that I was ready to climb a pile of resumes and leap to my death. xx( Then you called us out of the blue and said you wanted to come back to work. There was much merriment and rejoicing. :DD
So I guess our best recruiting technique was doing nothing. x:D
James Sokolowski
We use print ads for salaried positions, but rarely use the big job boards. My experience has not been good with them--hundreds of resumes, and few legitimate candidates.