Cell Phones required for Job

For those of you out there that have positions within the company that a cell phone for the employee is required .... How do you handle it?
I'm hearing a couple different options, but have a feeling there may be some other ideas? Right now we are looking at simply giving the employee a $ amount per month (I guess I should say a "max" amount - say it's $60.00. The employee turns in an expense sheet with a copy of the bill - we will pay up to $60.00 - the rest is the employee's responsibility. I'm not too concerned about the employee's who already have a cell phone - they will probably like the idea that we will be giving them $60.00/mo. However, what about the employee who #1 does NOT want to buy their own cell phone (for whatever reason - can't aford it, bad credit, etc.) - what do we do with them? I welcome all ideas!
I'm hearing a couple different options, but have a feeling there may be some other ideas? Right now we are looking at simply giving the employee a $ amount per month (I guess I should say a "max" amount - say it's $60.00. The employee turns in an expense sheet with a copy of the bill - we will pay up to $60.00 - the rest is the employee's responsibility. I'm not too concerned about the employee's who already have a cell phone - they will probably like the idea that we will be giving them $60.00/mo. However, what about the employee who #1 does NOT want to buy their own cell phone (for whatever reason - can't aford it, bad credit, etc.) - what do we do with them? I welcome all ideas!
The phones (specific serial number) are checked out to the EE with a form detailing cost of replacement if the phone is lost, damaged, or stolen, the amount to be deducted from paycheck - EE signature authorizes the deduction.
There is a way to have long distance charged to the phone - if it is, it comes out of their paycheck, authorized through the form.
The form also details their agreement to utilize the phone for business purposes only, yada yada yada.
We added that form because one of our EEs actually had that phone number out there for an outcall service she was running on the side. Discovered it when she terminated and her clients still called the phone number (and the new EE who now had the phone), for service.
Works GREAT for us!