My company has been using OSHALOG Program for about 5 years and I am looking at a software program developed as (firstreport.org). Have any of you been using this program for record keeping purposes, and what are your thoughts on this program verses OSHALOG or some other program that helps an employer with multiple work sites to keep compliant information and record copies?
Peyton Irby
Editor, Mississippi Employment Law Letter
Watkins Ludlam Winter & Stennis, P.A.
(601) 949-4810
OSHALOG is expensive for the service provided and to me "customer service" is a critical component. We do the record keeping for 15 worksites and force feed them with the documentation required to have on-site for inspection and review should someone show up with interest.
Get your IT folks to provide a solution before you decide to reinvent the wheel.
Thanks to everyone, if there are any others with a need, I recommend you contact "John" at [url]www.firstreport.com[/url] and let him tell you what he can do for your company and you.
Got to run and been "Super Boar" for a couple of hours.
The salesperson was reluctant to give me any name or e-mail of any customer as a possible breach of privacy! Now, I like that, he did agree to contact a few and get some testiment for him and post them on their WEB page. He said that they have been around for well over 10 years, but i had never heard nor seen any material on them. I picked up their name from "Worker's Comp Bottom Line" and their link is [url]www.firstreport.org[/url], made contact and "John" was a good salesman and got me more interested. I have also used ABRA CADABRA in a previous company, but did not ever use their W/C because we had an inhouse manual system that was easier and more reliable called pencil and paper data collection and input. I relided on my ability to handle the work, besides we only had 59 people and one work site. It was also job security, for no one else knew the system nor the data but me. When I was taken out and moved to corporate where 181 days happened and I was given my notice of a RIF, then I realized it did not matter, I had to go back at least once a month for 6 months to help them do the accumations and accident reporting data and inspections/audits.
Thanks to all who posted on our network and to those who posted on my e-mail address.
Thanks to M.L. Smith for this network to which we HR professionals can blog together for everyone's benefit. By the way my name is Richard and PORK is my game, I am happy to inform all that we have now achieved the a weekly production goal of birthing "baby pigs" / "piglets" of 11,000 a week. We are now shooting or (dosing) for 12,000 aweek. So eat some pork and enjoy life with others, while you cook this week-end. LSU is coming to town and tomorrow the "DAWGS" will be chasing the tiger; "GO DAWGS"