Alternative Work Schedules for Non-Exempts

Are employers able to create "alternative 2-week work schedules" for non-exempt employees such as the following? Example: an employee's regular schedule would be 35 hours this week and 45 hours next week, but they receive no overtime for the second week. I've been told this type of schedule exists in some industries, but I can't find evidence of this on the DOL site.
Thanks for your help...
Thanks for your help...
This scenario is all perfectly legal, but I agree that the poster's 35/45 to offset the overtime pay IS illegal.
They are both talking about a 40-hour workweek. It doesn't matter to DOL how many hours an employee works as long as the employee gets time and a half for all hours worked over 40. Even though AZHR has described a bi-weekly pay period of 80 hours, the 40-hour work week still applies.
A pay period and a work week are not the same thing.
OK gang, let's let AZHR do some research before we all jump on this again - although it was great fun at the time.
I should have said the thread was in the 'wage and hour' area, not the employment law area.