Pay for time office closed - Hurricane Rita

We closed our offices last Thursday and Friday to allow our staff and their employees to safely evacuate the Houston area due to the projected route of Hurricane Rita making landfall in Galveston.
We requested that all employees contact me on Sunday. On Sunday, management decided to officially re-open for business on Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. When I spoke with employees on Sunday, I requested anyone that was able to come in to the office on Monday to please show up around noon to assist in getting our systems back up and running for business on Tuesday. About 1/2 of the staff showed up. We are going to pay all employees (exempt & non-exempt) for the time the office was closed (Thursday, Friday, and Monday). We are not applying any PTO and attendance policy does not apply for these days.
This evening an employee called and stated she would not be in because she does not have a sitter for her 10 year old (school district closed until Wednesday), and wants to know if we will pay her for Tuesday also.
Your thoughts please. (We are located in Houston and all of our employees have returned to their homes, all have power, etc.)
Thank you,
We requested that all employees contact me on Sunday. On Sunday, management decided to officially re-open for business on Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. When I spoke with employees on Sunday, I requested anyone that was able to come in to the office on Monday to please show up around noon to assist in getting our systems back up and running for business on Tuesday. About 1/2 of the staff showed up. We are going to pay all employees (exempt & non-exempt) for the time the office was closed (Thursday, Friday, and Monday). We are not applying any PTO and attendance policy does not apply for these days.
This evening an employee called and stated she would not be in because she does not have a sitter for her 10 year old (school district closed until Wednesday), and wants to know if we will pay her for Tuesday also.
Your thoughts please. (We are located in Houston and all of our employees have returned to their homes, all have power, etc.)
Thank you,
But, ya gotta draw the line somewhere. I think your decision was generous and the right one.
We also paid a small cash bonus to the employees who voluntarily came in the day before we re-opened to help get clean up and get the offices back inorder before we even had power and for those that voluntarily came in the day beofre we closed to help prepare the building.
E Wart