
We have an ee who we think might be drinking on his lunch hour and occasionally we think we smell liquor on him first thing in the morning. My question is can we require him to take a breathalizer (?) test? What can we do? It is only suspicion, he hasn't come in staggering or using slurred language, it's mostly aromas!
Any help is welcome
Any help is welcome
If we had someone here who smelled like Southern Comfort, we would indeed be meddling nannies and deal with it.
FYI, in my old life we had an employee who apparently did have a drinking problem (outside of work.) We kept getting complaints of odor smell (from employees and clients as well. No one ever saw him use it on the job nor did he have any impairments.) He continued to take tests and they were always totally negative.
I learned from this that those do "digest" the alcohol differently. If someone does drink a lot, when they prespire, it comes through their pores. Also if the person wears clothes that maybe alcohol was spilled on, you will continue to get alcohol smell until they ware well washed.
Just some thought... so don't think that anyone who smells of alcohol is currently using it. (Also,they may have a very cheap or bad or old cologne.)
E Wart