EE's required to subscribe...

Do any of you require FT employees to sign up for your company's service? Our President wants to require all FT ee's to subscribe to our product. (we are in the publishing business) We offer a 50% discount. We ran a list and he was quite disturbed at the number of employees who don't subscribe.
What's your take on this? And if you practice, how do you handle those who simply refuse?
What's your take on this? And if you practice, how do you handle those who simply refuse?
I like that force them to buy something you
My $0.02 worth....
The Balloonman
I personally don't think it will fly. I don't like forcing employees to sign up for something they don't want. Not an easy pill to swallow. I really wanted to know if anyone practices this and if so, how's it going?
Ask your President how he/she plans to handle ee's who refuse? Also, mention to him/her that depending on what you publish (gay porn, as an example), you could also risk a lawsuit of biblical proportions.
To say that I agree with you assesment that it will not fly would be an understatement.
So I asked for folks to go drink their coffee and I ended up with some useful comments. Which is the whole point of the posting.
Here in The Land of 10,000 Discrimination Laws, it is illegal to discriminate against an applicant or an employee who uses a legal product. Discriminating against someone because they DON'T use a legal product would seemingly be more prohibitive.
Thanks for the info. I think I'll share that tidbit of info with him.
Making it a condition of employment would rankle almost everyone. While you don't like that description, many EEs would feel that way about the requirement.
Another option to consider: Start with the cost of one of your discounted publications. During the next raise cycle, let the EEs know that they will be each receiving a subscription to a publication of their choice. Reduce the raise pool by the cost of the publications, then each EE is indirectly paying for the subscription. Overall labor costs stay the same.
I've never thought of this before, but I guess it's like the company providing us with pens and a computer. And reading the newsletters would be on the clock, so you can't require non-exempt employees to read them at home.
Practically speaking, we couldn't charge employees for our publications because they're expensive B2B products and we publish a lot of them. Poor Christy Reeder would have to pay $14,000 for all the newsletters she has to read. x:o
If it's that important to your prez, he should give everyone free copies at work.
James Sokolowski
Your post infers that MLS newsletters are not affordable. I mean, how many other companies are you aware of that charge $300 for less than 48 sheets of paper distributed over the course of 12 months? It's a bargain if you ask me.
G3 and Geno sporting Adidas suits and Kangol hats. Coming to a record store near you, white gangsta rap duo G-Boys with their new hit single "G-Strings, Girls and Ganja". From the album "Gin and Guice".
Oh, wait. We do. She occupies the office next to mine. Nevermind. x;-)
Seriously, though. Your president must have lost touch with reality two rest stops ago to think that this plan has any merit whatsoever.
I really think you would have a big morale issue on your hands.
Good luck...
We don't even demand that our employees live in our community and pay taxes. (With some managerial exceptions)
What about talking with your President to see if he would provide each employee with a 6 month free subscription. Then it could be 50% after this if they want it. This way employees may find that they like the publication and continue it. Also, it will help them see what they work towards/for and may encourage them to continue the subscription. Also, your President needs to keep in mind that even though someone works there, they may not enjoy the subject or maybe they can't read. (I know I have really cut down on my subscriptions because I find I just don't have the time to enjoy them anymore. )
E Wart