DUI Arrest

One of our employees didn't show up for work today. His mother called to say he had been arrested last night for DUI. Manager is asking what action we should take (i.e. if we should fire him). There's been no evidence of him coming to work under the influence. I responded that he had not violated any company policy; however, he could be disciplined for an unexcused absence. I suggested that when the EE returns that the manager should talk with him. If EE admits he has an alcohol problem that we suggest he get treatment and we will work with him. However, if EE says he had one too many for the road, that we remind him in any case if he shows up to work under the influence that he will teterminated. Am I on track with this issue?
About 5 years ago, this EE was suspended for testing positive for drugs. However, since then, he has had a clean record.
About 5 years ago, this EE was suspended for testing positive for drugs. However, since then, he has had a clean record.
I know I will be chastised by some for this comment, but.....
Your first mistake was 5 years ago when this EE was not terminated for a positive drug screen. I am all for giving EEs a second chance for most things and if one of our EEs lets us know they have a problem, we do work with them. However, we have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to positive random or post-injury testing.
A DUI is what it is. But I don't see it as a signal that the employer or supervisor ought to plan to do this or that in response.
Now, if he 'blew' twice the legal limit at 8:30 on a Sunday morning and this was his second or third, I might see cause for additional thought.
If not, it doesn't matter WHY he called off...the only discipline is for the call-off. Maybe even improper procedure because his mother called...but that, as said before, must be applied consistently.
If you have and EAP then provide access to the contact information...otherwise, leave it alone.