Drug Diversion

We are a 3200 population healthcare facility and the task has fallen to me to devise a policy on Drug Diversion. Obviously we already have a Fitness for Duty policy which allows us to test due to 'reasonable suspicion' but the diversion is really dealing more with the theft, patient safety and care.
Has anyone addressed this in their workplace and/or can anyone suggest resources for same? Also, how often do you randomly test a part of the population?
Has anyone addressed this in their workplace and/or can anyone suggest resources for same? Also, how often do you randomly test a part of the population?
Another idea would be to contact another healthcare facility and ask them to share their policy. You can adapt one from that without having to start from scratch.
We do random testing bi-monthly.
I'm not certain what your definition of Drug Diversion is, so will withhold my suggestions and avoid speculating....
We randomly test our 2700 healthcare employees monthly (25% of population)and do a 9-panel urine test to identify any impairment.
you knew who precscribed what, by whom it was dispensed and which patient chart it was linked.
>I'm not certain what your definition of Drug
>Diversion is, so will withhold my suggestions
>and avoid speculating....
>We randomly test our 2700 healthcare employees
>monthly (25% of population)and do a 9-panel
>urine test to identify any impairment.
Thanks, Down the Middle...MY definition of Drug Diversion is any case in which the patient did not receive it or it was not properly wasted(which means both could boil down to theft).
I appreciated your response regarding random drug screening. Do you do this in-house or send out to a certified lab (or is your lab certified?) and do you know the approximate cost?
Thanks so much,