wage verification
We have an employee who is currently out of work on disability. He is also in the process of buying a house. The lender has been sending requests for income verification about this employee. Should we tell the lender that this employee is currently receiving disability at 70% of his pay, or just not tell them about the disability and give them the information of his normal hourly rate? I don't want to be dishonest with the lender and think we should tell them the truth but I also don't want the employee to lose their home purchase. What to do? Thanks.
Introspectively, I also might weigh what I know of the nature of the disability (if anything). If it is a broken leg and they are out for six weeks, I might proceed with their normal rate of pay. If it was a horrific car accident and they face months of therapy, I might look harder at identifying the disability amount.
Actually, though, if your disability works the same way as ours, they currently are not being paid by you, but by the insurance company. That in of itself might make me lean toward disclosing the 70%. I'm not as up on HIPAA as I should be, but if you keep it on the level of discussing status with the lender and not the details of the disability, I don't know if that would get you into trouble or not.
Guess I don't have a good straight answer for you, but hopefully some things to at least think about.
In a previous life, I was in the process of buying a home, and my employer answered "Unknown" to the question concerning probability of continued employment. That answer resulted in the loan being denied and, boy, was I angry! That is, until a month later when all 170 employees at the facility received lay-off notices (including me), and I would not have been able to make my house payments. You may do the employee a favor by being honest.
"Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot."
Charlie Chaplin