Police officer destroying evidence

I am seeking information on arbitrations concerning a police officer who destroyed evidence and/or the responsibility of a police officer when confronted with possible criminal activity while off-duty. We are preparing for an arbitration regarding our discipline of a police officer who, while off-duty, was given evidence of a crime and chose to destroy the evidence rather than properly secure it.
If you have arbitration citations or case summaries, please email me at [email]david.shaw@cityofalbany.net[/email].
If you have arbitration citations or case summaries, please email me at [email]david.shaw@cityofalbany.net[/email].
I'm with City government also, and our Police Dept has special departmental rules, and in our case officers who get involved in criminal activity while off-duty immediately become subject to all responsibilities as if on-duty. Certainly destroying evidence would be forbidden.
Your post hasn't explained what discipline you gave him and whether or not the discipline was backed up by a written policy, whether this arbitration is through a union or non-union situation, why he chose to destroy the evidence, and what this employee's reasons are for challenging the discipline.
If you still have time and want some defense strategies, I think we need more info to best help you. Good luck.
Have you consulted with your local prosecuting attorney for possable theft charges? At the least this could lead to termination for conduct unbecoming of a law enforcement officer.
Maybe with more details, you'll get more responses.