Employee appreciation ideas

I am looking to institute a new program for our small company. A way to let the ees know how much they are appreciated. We used to do the 1/2 day off for birthday, but somewhere along the way it got axed. Have you guys got some ideas I could use? I'm sure mgmt. will agree to some things if they aren't too spendy.


  • 11 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • A manager at one of our properties came up with a real simple idea: She bought a stack of Wal-Mart gift cards ($10-$20 each) and whenever a special event occurred in an ee's life (birthday, new house, could be anything) she would just give them a gift card along with a personally-written thank you or congratulations note (no commercially printed cards). It was amazing how much the employees seemed to appreciate this little gesture. And for employees who make only slightly more than $6 or $7 per hour, the gift cards were a real treat.
  • We hold company lunches about every 6 weeks. It brings the office staff and the plant employees together to eat and chat. If anyone is having a work anniversary they will get applauded. If the anniversary is on a 5th year (5,10,15,20...) then they'll get a plaque, $25 dinner certificate and for 10 yrs+ they'll get a US Savings Bond.

    Cheryl C.
  • We have an on-the-spot "Abby" award for employees that go above and beyond for a customer or a fellow employee. They get a $5 Starbucks card, email recognition throughout the company, and a stuffed animal mascot at their desk for a day. At the end of each month all names go in a hat and the winner gets a $50 dinner gift certificate.

    Any employee/manager may make a nomination.
  • Do be aware, though, of the tax consequences when you give out gift certificates, whether for meals or negotiable.

    Each July we split employees into teams of about 20, each with a captain, team name/mascot they choose and color. Suggestions they make during the next 12 months for cost reductions earn them recognition. The shirt cabinet is stocked with polo type golf shirts which match the team colors and member sizes and the shirts are awarded as they participate.

    Each month all those who participated last month go into a drawing for five Wal Mart cards. At year end, top producers can win $150-$300 in mall gift cards.

    Associates also get to chose from a catalog for service awards for 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 year awards. The most popular 30 year awards are the company logo diamond ring or bracelet that runs about $550-$750.

    We're about to start another recognition program for contributors of safety suggestions. Haven't decided yet how to recognize.

    "Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot."
    Charlie Chaplin

  • We do several things throughout the year. We do monthly cook-outs for each shift. Quarterly we give out a t-shirt, cooler, mug or some other gift with the company logo. We also have monthly safety drawings worth about $500 each to each shift.

    At the end of the year, during our catered holiday party, we give out a bonus check to each employee usually worth between $300-400 net. Also, we draw ten $500 safety awards during the party. the grand finale is the car. We take a salesperson's car (three year old sedan) have it serviced, detailed, etc and raffle it.

    We have 410 regular employees and average about 150 temporaries (they are included in the year-end festivities which the temporary service folks also attend).

  • We have events throughout the year. Some things we do are: An "After Christmas Party" in January, a cookout in the spring, a Thanksgiving luncheon for Thanksgiving.

    We recently started "Make Mondays Fun Day". So many people said their co-workers were grumpy coming off the weekend so we thought at least once a month we would have something like muffins, cookies, donuts, pizza and then have people put in for a drawing for something simple like a carwash certificate or a lunch certificate. The first one this week went over great...it's amazing that some little things that don't cost a lot get people excited!

  • Here is a page within the IRS site to look at with respect to tax consequences:


    "If your employer gives you a turkey, ham, or other item of nominal value at Christmas or other holidays, the value of the gift is not income. However, if your employer gives you cash, a gift certificate, or a similar item that you can easily exchange for cash, the value of the gift is additional taxable salary or wages regardless of the amount involved."

  • Bah MarcBug! Gene, tell me more about safety drawings. I'm interested in how you get safety involvement and what that amounts to.

    "Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot."
    Charlie Chaplin

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-18-05 AT 11:55AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Yeah, I agree.
  • We have done monthly birthdays - 1/2hr break in the break room with a cake and sing to birthday people.

    We had communication complaints, so now we have a department meeting at 8am once a month which starts with congratulations for anniversaries, happy birthdays, discussions of work and case/project status, company news, etc. - with a breakfast paid for by the boss (usually breakfast burritos, pastries, fruit, juice and coffee). Support staff teams take turns by quarter preparing for and leading the meeting to encourage leadership skills. They trade off preparing agendas, special presentations, training, etc. On occasion supervisors hand out Employee Recognition Awards (bonus checks) to employees for special projects or special recognition, announced to the department.

    Special anniversaries (5, 10, 25, etc.) now receive awards from a catalogue.
  • We don't have a lot of money so we are looking at giving each of our centers (7 total) a basket full of goodies (cookies, candy, etc) quarterly as a 'surprise'. It may not be a lot, but it will show that we appreciate the employees and the work they do. Management staff have also agreed to bake/buy cookies for the event!
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