Illinois Plaintiff's Attorney

I have a friend in IL who I believe is being blatantly discriminated against. I know we are all employers on this site, but I was wondering if anyone could give me a referral for a good Illinois Plaintiff's Employment Law attorney that I could send him to?
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
The suggestion I have for you is to find out precisely what the issues are, post them to the Forum and let's see if we can sort through them and provide meaningful advice. Who knows, we may even advise your friend to seek an attorney.
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
Don, you silver-tongued devil. I not only agree with what you said, I'm crazy about the way you said it. This post makes you seem . . .well . . . attractive! XXOO
That's interesting. Is the HR person a friend of yours too? Is he/she the HR Director? Someone isn't doing their job. It's probably a function of HR to conduct training to managers in discrimination. It's also a function of HR to act as the employee advocate and intervene when discrimination is suspect. The last thing HR should do is tell an employee or an employee's friend to sue the employer. HR should take the torch and stop the discrimination. Don't tell your friend to get an attorney. Tell HR to do their job or at least refer the employee through a grievance process first. It's elementary, my dear Watson. x:-)
Anyway, my 2 cents worth, I agree that it is a good idea to post the "issue" in question here and let people give their input. I have been in situations myself the last year, too munerous to list, where I felt an ee was being discriminated against, blatantly pushed out the door etc. Unfortunately, my best advise went unheard and when I tried to steer my managers in the right direction, it was a no go. Possibly, that is the situation here and the HR person who recommended an attorney has more insite into the situation then we do on the forum. Lets have some details!!!