A new low...

Arrggh. I am so disgusted. I had to fire an employee today who LIED about her father passing away so she could get a free obituary for her friend. She came in with her "sister" to place the obituary for her "father". Turns out she's not related to him at all. The funeral home called to report her b/c the "sister" made some comment about not having to pay for the obit b/c her best friend worked at the paper and could get it in for free. She then had the nerve to tell me we were wrong because we assumed he was her father. He was really her godfather, even though she referred to him as "dad" and "sister" to the obit clerk. Cussin' and fussin' on the way out that I'd hear from her lawyer. At least she signed the PA form stating we could deduct the $$ from her final checks.
What will they think of next??
What will they think of next??