Changing Last Name Legally

One of our EE's got married 2 weeks ago and came back to work today. I asked her about her NEW last name and she told me that she hasn't changed it legally yet.I know she needs to change her SS card to her married name but is there anything else I need to have? What documents do I need for proof before changing her insurance info etc. Is there a time limit to changing your name legally? Does she HAVE to change it and is this a concern of mine? I know this is Las Vegas and I should have run into this sooner but I haven't...Since I know that she is married now, I feel I need to change this ASAP but not without legal documentation. Is there a time limit to changing your name? I guess I just need someone to tell me a procedure to follow in this case since I obiously don't have one. Thank you....Liz
In six years of employment our life insurance has paid off 4 times. One case was easy, the other three have been trying for this very issue. Everything from "What, my son would have not left that wh#@&ng B%3@ch a penny". "I am sorry mam, but yes he did and every penny of it" so you will need to deal with her for burial cost. Yes we do need to be involved with the newly married ee to make sure we can carry out the wishes of the ee!!!
So, make sure you have documentation before making a name change for payroll purposes.
Section 3. Updating and Reverification.
A. New Name
What is this for? Can I put the new name in this area? Or do I have to complete a NEW I-9?
I let them know of any deadlines (such as you have 30 days to add new family to health insurance) and other requirements (such as you must provide new SS card if you want your name changed on company documents, payroll, etc.)
Once informed, the rest is up to them.
I also don't think it is true that IRS will delay your refund. For the past two years my names have not matched. The W2 that I get each year from my National Guard pay still has my maiden name on it. The W2 that I get from The Town of Elkton has my married name on it. I have not had any problems with filing or getting my tax returns. And as someone said in an earlier post, as long as there is no intent to fraud it doesn't matter. What do all of the movie stars and entertainers do at tax time? a lot of them have more than one name.
By the way, you don't need to change your name when you marry. I didn't. In GA you have to declare this when you apply for the marriage certificate, before the actual marriage. I am sure you can go back to the court house and change if you want to. I understand the same thing normally happens with a divorce.. in the divorce order that the judge signs, you request for name change. (I have never had first hand expereince with this.)
E Wart
E Wart
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.