??Timely Manner??
We have an employee who has been on a military leave while in basic training. He completed/graduated basic training on June 9. As of today, June 29, we have yet to hear from him as to when he will be coming back to his part time position. The USERRA poster states that the employee "return to work or apply for reemployment in a timely manner after conclusion of service".
How long do we need to wait for him to contact us with regard to coming back to his position?
How long do we need to wait for him to contact us with regard to coming back to his position?
The key document is the DD 214, it will tell you the specific release date, with that information you add the "sunset days" and identify the last date of protection. Any time after the protection days subjects the individual to loss of benefits and re-employment.
We had an ee who told us before he left that he would not be coming back. After the fact, upon his returning from the battle grounds, he then gets an attorney who then pursues us for violation of USERRA provisions for protection. He was 144 days overdue with his application letter.
We have direct testimony from several employees of his personal notice that he would not be coming back, but his attorney will not accept facts and believes the false statements of the ee.
We caved in and took him back as a re-employment, as a re-hire; however, we did not restore his lost benefits and seniority to positions. He is now re-deployed to IRAQ.
We will end up even using his own case, the 2nd time around, as evidence of the fact that he did not exit the company in the right way the first time. WE will use all of his previous summer camp USERRA events as proof that we understood the USERRA procedures and appropriately allowed him to terminate our employer/employee relationship upon de-ploying to Bosnia. Our weakest point in this case is that the payroll clerk did not get a signed resignation from the individual at the time. His supervisor was sitting there so he is our witness, that he verbally asked to exit and be paid out his vacation and sick times and last pay check. Those documents are signed and dated.
Can be a difficult area of concern for HRs, everywhere so get the ts crossed and the is dotted. Do not assume anything get it all documented and appropriately accomplished consistently.
Good LUCK, and God's speed to your early and safe return of your service person. Help him/her to fully understand USERRA, to do that you must have first hand knowledge and training yourself!!!!
May all have a nice day and a Blessed one at that.