Physical testing before hire

Currently my company will make a job offer contingent upon satisfactorily completing a physical and drug screen. We recently interviewed a gentleman who looks to be in not so good of shape. No disabilities just really really out of shape. I'm concerned that he may not be able to perform the job for which we would like to hire him. Everything else about the guy is fantastic though. My boss wants me to bring him in and test him physically on the job he would be doing if hired. We have no policy on this, no plan, and no set testing criteria. We do profile testing, but have never done physical testing. Would it be ok to bring someone in and have them perform portions of the job for 10-15 minutes as a test? My understanding is that if the test is related directly to their work it would be ok. But, I'm not sure. Any help? Thanks!
Another reason not to test in the work environment is that if the prospective ee gets injured performing this test, you are liable for his injury and all realted costs. Just not a good plan.
I feel comfortable in writing that you can physically test all applicants, but I would not suggest that you test just one unless it is a specialty position of one.