
Anyone with experience hiring someone who is in a methadone program? This is a manufacturing facility in NY. I worry about his ability to operate a forklift around heavy and dangerous equipment under the influence of a narcotic.
I know very little about a methadone program. Can someone shed some light? Should I be concerned?
PS I already called our co. doc and he is gone for the day. I'm a bit impatient and would like to move closer to an answer.
I know very little about a methadone program. Can someone shed some light? Should I be concerned?
PS I already called our co. doc and he is gone for the day. I'm a bit impatient and would like to move closer to an answer.
It may be that the individual would not exhibit problems or experience narcotic effects while using methadone. If nothing else came to my rescue on this one, I would tell his counselor or treatment sponsor, "Write me a letter convincing me that while using methadone, an individual has no reason to avoid safety sensitive job positions." Let that person do your research. Just a thought.
The other side is personal. As a recovering alcoholic, I associate with many folks in the recovery community. Nowadays, most of us in recovery are usually both addicts and alcoholics, meaning we abused more than one subtance. Although I never tried heroin, I know many good friends with a LOT of sobriety who were once heroin addicts. One of them, my grand sponsor, celebrated 22 years of sobriety last night. Having said that, I have NEVER met anyone who has successfully kicked heroin on methadone. It is counter productive. What I have found is that most will go to several methadone clinics to get more than the regular dosage because then you do get a heroin-like high, only more intense.
On the one hand, I commend the person for being honest (or did they simply know that it would show on the drug test), but on the other hand I would say that this could turn into a real disaster if the person is still in active addiction or teetering on the edge of it.
Good luck.
Again, this is a biased statement, which has absolutely no validity to it other than personal experience and gut feeling. Having said that, I have never met an addict who got clean on methadoneor who has amassed any amount of sobriety. The same goes for alcoholics on Antabuse.
Our co. doc is actually one of the docs that run our county's methadone program. He said that an active participant in a methadone progam is a narcotic user and thus would not be covered under ADA. Didn't think of that.
Also 5-panel drug screens will not pick up methadone. Only 10-panel screens will.
He suggests that I have him sign a statement saying he will allow our EAP to monitor him through employment, allow us to randomly drug test him and require him to report any failed drug tests administered by the methadone program.
Please shoot holes in this recommendation because I'm probably going to do what he says. He is going to our co. doc today.
I don't know that he is or is not covered under ADA; but, I'd think that since the substance he is using is via medical doctor's prescription, then the use of it would not be considered 'currently using' or 'current illegal drug user'. I disagree with that particular piece of medical wisdom.
If I have a disability whose symptoms are being treated by a medically prescribed narcotic medicine, that certainly does not remove my ADA protection.