
We just made the decision to jump into e-learning for some of our reoccurring mandatory trainings.

I have done some basic research and have decided that we would like to have a 3rd party administer the site. Most of our trainings would have to be developed at our end as they are site/company specific. Since our accrediting agency requires very strict tracking I do not need the 3rd party to do anything more than administer and score the test and keep a simple record for employees to go in and see how they did and/or print certificates of completion.

Do you have any experience with the what seems to be hundreds of companies offering these services? Any suggestions as we begin the process?

Thanks in advance,


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • we've used mindleaders in the past...

  • We use both Pryor/CareerTrack and Learnkey, Inc. Both have good courses and LMS data with easy access by an administrator. Our needs are more complicated, but they may be able to simplify a program for you.
  • We are in the banking busienss and use a company called Digital University. We are very pleased with their programs. They supply hundreds of topics from those required by the Fed's to basic Teller 101 information. Ee's can access their site via the net at any time to take their required courses. They must get at least a 70% on each exam to pass. We can adminster basically any portion of the work from here and make site specific changes to the course material.
    Good luck...
  • We've had some discussions with a company called Next Knowledge that has a very nice system for the kind of thing you're talking about. They've got some easy-to-use templates that allow you to create the courses very rapidly and with very little technical aptitude. They're also easy to work with.

    Next Knowledge LLC
    (800) 320-5960

    Brad Forrister
    M. Lee Smith Publishers

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