screening applicants
When interviewing: Can you have on your application or medical history form, a question as to whether or nor the applicant has ever filed or received Workers Compensation in the past and have them sign this?
This is weird..when I looked at your post initially it said 10000. After I posted this message, it showed you had 10001 posts. Please explain.
I must know these things.
Following enrollment, we do a W/C on-line check of this person's past W/C claims. For the most part a great majority have not had any W/C claims processed for previous employees.
When we do find one, we look at the claims and body part injury to determine any additional training that might be needed for this particular employee, while accomplishing the physical task of the job. We have found none requiring additional safety training.
Good luck with your use of the forum.
This prohibition extends to those we might contract with as our agents, i.e., we cannot pay a third party to conduct a background check to determine information which we, as employers, are prohibited from collecting ourselves.
There are always ways to get information like this without having it appear that you have crossed the line.
To your medical questionnaire question; for at least the past 20 years, an employer has been prohibited from having such as a part of their application or pre-offer process. An in the event your company does require a questionnaire, it must be post-offer and be part of the physical examination process. You may receive that form from the clinic, but I strongly advise that you tell your clinic you do not want that form sent to you.
(edit) I'd like to know how pOrK has the 'online' capability to verify my prior comp claims 'by body part'. That's interesting. Maybe it's part of his Save project.
E Wart