Only On The Left Coast

An Oregon appellate court recently reversed a trial court decision dismissing a claim brought by a medical marijuana user that his employer had not reasonaly accommodated him under state disability law when it terminated him for repeatedly failing drug tests.


  • 20 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The trial court dismissed the claim? Or the appellate court dismissed it?

    Monday we terminated a D.O.T. driver for failing a drug test. He thinks it's not fair since he has Rhumatoid Arthritis and that's the only thing that helps him cope.
  • The trial court dismissed it. But the appellate court reversed the trial court. In part, the appeals court found the employer's exception to an individual's right to use marijuana for medical purposes did not apply to an employee's "merely" appearing for work with detectable levels of marijuana in his system (and) remanded for trial the question of whether the employer should have honored the employee's accommodation request. His request was to adjust the test screen levels to determine whether he was actually under the influence of marijuana rather than whether he had used the drug at any time over the past several weeks.

    In other words, as I understand it, if the plaintiff prevails, that'll set a standard whereby it is perfectly alright to report to work with a 'buzz' and whistle and munch your way through the day. At least on the left coast, for the time being.

  • Don: We have faced this issue where a zero tolerance policy was challenged. There is no legal precedent for a challenge in MS. The challenge was eventually dropped. Remember whatever legal challenges/state law changes occur on the left coast tend to migrate to the east.

    Peyton Irby
    Editor, Mississippi Employment Law Letter
    Watkins Ludlam Winter & Stennis, P.A.
    (601) 949-4810
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-11-05 AT 11:01AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Wouldn't this have to be in a State that already allows for the usage of "medical marijuana?"

  • You're on top of your game today Crout!
  • Pull your boots up, it's heading our way. I'm in Nevada and we allow medical marijuana usage and are in this Fed judicial district (for now).

    We also have the zero tolerance policy, but are weak with respect to training and drug testing policy.

    I have poroposed some strengthening of our policy and training - time to up the priority before this happens to us.
  • I'd say it'll be a cold day in you-know-where before Pennsylvania allows folks to grow and possess medical marijuana.
  • I have personally seen marijuana growing in Pennsylvania. Take off the blinders. Somebody's allowing it to happen.
  • I am also in Nevada, (Las Vegas). How does one go about receiving approval to use medical marijuana? Where does the approval come from and are they issued anything to prove they have this permission?

    I have had many employees come up positive for the drug or THC. I tell them that unless they can produce proof that they are authorized to be using the drug, we cannot continue their employment. No one has ever attempted to prove their right to be using the drug, of course!

    Tina Marie
  • The state authorized use begins with a prescription from a licensed physician. This approval gets on a list maintained by the AG's office and/or local law enforcement. I do not know how the mechanics work with respect to the paperwork that flows between the prescription and the list.

    As to evidence, I don't know what happens to the original prescription, but since you cannot take it to the loca pharmacy to get it filled, I would think the individual receiving the prescription would have it.

    I would ask to see the original and copy it.

    Of course, you still have the issue of illegality at the federal level to deal with. So for some purposes, being legal at the state level would still be meaningless. So with DOT requirements and perhaps OSHA requirements, I am not sure whether or not it need be honored.

    This will be the stuff of lawsuits as these laws are challenged in the courts.
  • Thanks Marc........but how is the prescription filled? Does the prescription holder have to find a drug dealer?
  • There are certified labratories that package it for this particular use. Mississippi used to be the only state that legally grew it. At the University of Mississippi there is a real live marijuana research lab where it grows. Don't know what they do with it.
  • Interesting.........thank you Don and Marc!

    Tina Marie
  • I've seen it grown in PA a field down the road...brought out of a house in town...ummm..ooh I almost forgot about this the STATE park!
  • The Don must have seen it growing in the state park during a dove hunt.
  • So now he's hunting stoned doves?? Poor defenseless doves they don't stand a chance. x:'(
  • Someone else must be stoned. It was HR girl who saw it in a state park. I have been banned from those places for several years.
  • Oh'll always have the underground economy. In fact, a few years ago my brother-in-law, who was then an assistant US Attorney, prosecuted some Amish folks up in Lancaster county who were growing weed to augment their income.
  • Looks like no one from CA has picked up on this thread. I'll be brave and respond. Being on the "left" coast, I will say that there are official pot dispensaries that are licensed and certified to sell medical marijuana. Each county has their own policy and many counties do not allow pot stores. An individual with a medical condition from something as serious as cancer to as minor as PMS can get a prescription from a physician. Typically these physicians work in the same area or office as the dispensary. But - the employer does not have to pass the employee if they fail a drug test and are following the federal law with regards to positive tests. So, not everyone is working stoned in California.

    A funny story. My husband is a Kitchen Remodeler for a large retailer. He was doing a presentation in Eureka (the pot capital of CA) and as he was drawing up the kitchen he heard the customer light up - thinking it was a smoke until he heard the long drawn out inhale. My husband looked up, trying not to miss a beat and the customer politely offered him some. He politely declined and the customer went on to show him his card and the plants out in the back yard.

    Have a good evening everyone!
  • Wonderful post but a fine example of why America is sliding westward into the sewer of the ocean. Nothing personal, but, God Almighty, this, along with the sucking out of third trimester babies' brains is a perfect example of exactly why we are headed for destruction. Can I get an Amen from Simon And Garfunkle?
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