Meal and Rest Periods in Colorado

Hi - I'm Carol from Colorado - I'm "HR" (and many other things) for a fast-food franchisee. Our managers typically work a 10 hour a day schedule. What I need help with is determining how many rest periods and how many meal periods they should get. Below is the "shortened" version of the legal mumbo-jumbo from Colorado Minimum Wage Order #22:

Meal Periods: employees shall receive one meal period when scheduled work shift exceeds 5 consecutive hours.

Rest Periods: Employers shall authorize rest periods, which, insofar as practicable, shall be in the middle of each 4 hour period. A 10 minute rest preriod for each four hours or major fractions thereof shall be permitted.

If an employee works from 8 am to 10 pm (10 hours)wouldn't they get two 10 minute rest periods(there are two 4 hour periods) and two 30 minute meal periods (there are two 5 hour periods)?


since 10 hours ends the shift and does not exceed 5 hours a 2nd time, would it be one 30 minute meal period.

Appreciate any help in this "word problem"



  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Hi Carol, 8AM to 10PM is 14 hours, not 10. You didn't ask, but in Colorado you have to pay overtime over 12 hours in a day.

    With these hours, you will have to look at the statutes very carefully in terms of rest and meal times, and do some calculations, and, if I were you, would err on the side of being generous, i.e., expand each period for the length of time exceeding 8 hours.

    If it is indeed 14 hours for a working day, I'd be watching out for fingers in the food!
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